What does db mean? Decibel. (abbreviation) In physics, one-tenth ( 1 / 10 ) of a bel (B). Bel is a measure of comparative power, or loudness, i.e., a unit of relative power ratio.


Text Twist Finder is an anagram solver for games like Text Twist, Super Text Twist, Jumble, and other anagram based word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends. The Text Twist Finder will help you beat games and pass levels in Text Twist using 6 letters, Super Text Twist using 7 letters, and also in similar games like Anagram Twist for iPhone.

Ja. Jag byter medvetet ordning på ord och säger fel på flaskpump och cykelkork. För, afasi är coolt liksom. 2008-07-03 @ 01:03:50 Bara tankar  The following is a list of all entries tagged with Decibel: För det låter som Decibel. American Dad · American Pie Presents The Book Of Love · Anagram · Anders Johansson · Anders och Måns · And Now For Something Completely Different  Översättning av ordet decibel från svenska till engelska med synonymer, motsatsord, verbböjningen, uttal, anagram, exempel på användning.

Decibel anagram

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Our anagram generator also offers solutions for partial anagrams. The decibel (dB) is a unit that is used to measure the intensity of sound and other physical quantities. A decibel is the tenth part of a bel (B), a unit named after Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. Its logarithmic scale is adequate to represent the auditory spectrum of the human being. Definition of decibel a logarithmic unit of sound intensity; 10 times the logarithm of the ratio of the sound intensity to some reference intensity Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. decibel Definition of decibel: Click here Word "decibel" contains 7 letters : B C D E E I L Anagrams found for decibel The decibel is a logarithmic unit that indicates the ratio of a physical quantity relative to a specified or implied reference level. A ratio in decibels is ten times the logarithm to base 10 of the ratio of two power quantities.

Anagrams and words using the letters in 'decibels' 8 Letter Words You can Make With DECIBELS decibels 7 Letter Words You can Make With DECIBELS Delibes decibel deciles edibles 6 Letter Words You can Make With DECIBELS Seibel Siebel bedels belied belies beside bields bleeds cebids ceiled celebs decile deices diesel edible ediles elides sedile

Also find a similar words the begin with the same characters, end with the same characters, anagrams, reverse anagrams, word scrambles and words with similar letters. Points in Words with Friends for decibel: 15: Number of Letters in decibel: 7: More info About decibel: decibel: List of Words Starting with decibel: Words Starting With decibel: List of Words Ending with decibel: Words Ending With decibel: List of Words Containing decibel: Words Containing decibel: List of Anagrams of decibel: Anagrams of decibel Crossword Clue The crossword clue Degree or decibel with 4 letters was last seen on the December 08, 2020.We think the likely answer to this clue is UNIT.Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer.

Decibel anagram

mondo: …out of the other. I mean in the same room! Like, at a thousand decibels. " Anagrams Modon mondo (Esperanto) Origin & history From French monde.

Decibel anagram

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Decibel anagram

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